This is often situation, but here is latest example:
Companies have various contact data (addresses, phone numbers, e-mails...) when they make job ad, they have checkboxes where they choose how they want to be contacted. It is basically descriptive data. User when reading an ad sees something like "You can apply by mail, in person...", except if it's "through web portal" or "by e-mail" because then appropriate buttons should appear. These options are stored in database, and client (owner of the site, not company making an ad) can change them (e.g. they can add "by telepathy" or whatever), yet if they tamper with "e-mail" and "web-portal" options, they screw their web site.
So how should I handle data where everything behaves same way except "this thing" that behaves this way, and "that thing" that behaves some other way, and data itself is live should be editable by client.