



Do you know how to get a working button overlayed on MPMoviePlayerController. This was working in SDK 3.x. The button displays but is not responding to touches.


In iOS 4.0 Apple introduced the MPMoviePlayerViewController which is basically a UIView subclass that aggregates an MPMOviePlayerController Object (the property is called moviePlayer).

It's very easy now to add custom overlays on top of your movieplayer (because it's a UIView Subclass now).

simply try doing the following

1) create an Instance of an MPMoviePlayerViewController
2) add it (as a Subview) ontop of your UIView of choice
3) create and init your overlay (in your case a simple button i guess)
4) add it (as a Subview) ontop of your MPMoviePlayerViewControllers's view Property

hope I could help.
