



I generated a set of web service proxy objects with the .Net 3.5 svcutil.exe tool. The soap body element has 2 extraneous xml namespace alias declarations. Specifically schema and schema instance namespaces (, ).

For other reasons, the service I'm interacting with has a bug where these declarations can't be included. I'm trying to figure out how to remove them. Any help would be appreciated. The soap message looks something like this.

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""&gt;
    <s:Body xmlns:xsi=""

I don't think there's a way to do this, short of hand-writing your SOAP messages yourself. Those are just the usual XML schema namespaces and really shouldn't hurt, if they're not being used.

Yea, I'm working on the service provider to fix their code but I don't have control over that. I am considering hand crafting it but I will lose all the flexibility, generated code, and capabilities of WCF doing that which I'm loathe to do.
Peter Oehlert

The solution I found was to implement a message inspector. I created a class that implements IClientMessageInspector. This class will get the opportunity to modify the message before it's sent on the wire or modify the response after it comes off the wire. I then create another class IEndpointBehavior which I use to register the custom message inspector. Finally I create a class that extends BehaviorExtensionElement to allow specifying the custom behavior in the configuration file.

With this solution, I am able to modify the message as it's being sent to the server and remove the offending xsi and xsd alias definitions.

Peter Oehlert