Is there a way to copy a SQL Server Database Diagram to another server?
I found this and modified it sightly to copy only one diagram:
INSERT INTO dbB.dbo.sysdiagrams
SELECT [name],[principal_id],[version],[definition]
FROM dbA.dbo.sysdiagrams
Where name = 'MyDiagramName'
But I need to copy it to another Server (Development to Production).
I don't want to create a linked server to do this. (Updated explanation) The reason behind that is that I want to include the diagram in a upgrade script. I made changes to the database to support a new version (new tables, etc) and I want the diagram be be part of the upgrade script. so it's best if i could put that in a SQL script. If a got a separated file to manually import afterward, it could do the job, but it not the best.
So i need to 'save' the diagram definition to a file somehow to restore it on the other server.