



Notes: I've thought about Radix sort, bucket sort, counting sort.

Is there anyway to achieve big O(n)?

+7  A: 

A counting sort would be the obvious choice under these circumstances. Yes, properly implemented it should have linear complexity.

Jerry Coffin
+2  A: 

With counting sort you get O(N) if the range is fixed and small (like 1..100 :))

+30  A: 

You can use counting sort.

Counting sort (sometimes referred to as ultra sort or math sort) is a sorting algorithm which (like bucket sort) takes advantage of knowing the range of the numbers in the array to be sorted (array A).

Counting sort is a stable sort and has a running time of Θ(n+k), where n and k are the lengths of the arrays A (the input array) and C (the counting array), respectively. In order for this algorithm to be efficient, k must not be much larger than n.

In this case k is 100 and n is 1000000.

Mark Byers
+1 Blindingly obvious, but had never seen it before. Thanks.
Neil Moss
+4  A: 

how about just counting the occurrence of each integer and then printing them all. sounds like O(n)

Yes, and that's exactly counting sort. This shows that most algorithms aren't hard; you can come up with them yourself. :-)
+3  A: 

I assume, you mean you want to achieve a small O(n); then bucket sort would be fastest. In fact, since you know the range of the integers, then using bucket sort simply becomes a problem of counting the occurrences of the numbers which can be done in O(n), i.e. linear time.

The so-called counting sort is simply a special case of bucket sort.

Lie Ryan
Jörg W Mittag