The problem is after i press 2 buttons the App crashes and I can't figure out why
Button1 is wired to button1 Button2 is wired to button2 ... Button5 is wired to button5
What am I doing wrong?
Basically I want to check if the sequence of #'s is punched in correctly (55235)
In my AppDelegate.H file, I've defined a variable called
NSString* myEasterEgg;
In AppDelegate.M, I have 5 buttons that are correctly wired and each button has it's own method
if(CFStringCompare((CFStringRef)myEasterEgg, (CFStringRef)@"52235", 1) == 0)
myEasterEgg = @"";
} else {
myEasterEgg = [myEasterEgg stringByAppendingString:@"1"];
if(CFStringCompare((CFStringRef)myEasterEgg, (CFStringRef)@"52235", 1) == 0)
myEasterEgg = @"";
} else {
myEasterEgg = [myEasterEgg stringByAppendingString:@"2"];
if(CFStringCompare((CFStringRef)myEasterEgg, (CFStringRef)@"52235", 1) == 0)
myEasterEgg = @"";
} else {
myEasterEgg = [myEasterEgg stringByAppendingString:@"3"];
if(CFStringCompare((CFStringRef)myEasterEgg, (CFStringRef)@"52235", 1) == 0)
myEasterEgg = @"";
} else {
myEasterEgg = [myEasterEgg stringByAppendingString:@"4"];
if(CFStringCompare((CFStringRef)myEasterEgg, (CFStringRef)@"52235", 1) == 0)
myEasterEgg = @"";
} else {
myEasterEgg = [myEasterEgg stringByAppendingString:@"5"];
myEasterEgg = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@""];