I've encountered an interesting problem while programming a random level generator for a tile-based game. I've implemented a brute-force solver for it but it is exponentially slow and definitely unfit for my use case. I'm not necessarily looking for a perfect solution, I'll be satisfied with a “good enough” solution that performs well.
Problem Statement:
Say you have all or a subset of the following tiles available (this is the combination of all possible 4-bit patterns mapped to the right, up, left and down directions):
You are provided a grid where some cells are marked (true) and others not (false). This could be generated by a perlin noise algorithm, for example. The goal is to fill this space with tiles so that there are as many complex tiles as possible. Ideally, all tiles should be connected. There might be no solution for some input values (available tiles + pattern). There is always at least one solution if the top-left, unconnected tile is available (that is, all pattern cells can be filled with that tile).
Images left to right: tile availability (green tiles can be used, red cannot), pattern to fill and a solution
What I tried:
My brute-force implementation attempts every possible tile everywhere and keeps track of the solutions that were found. Finally, it chooses the solution that maximizes the total number of connections outgoing from each of the tiles. The time it takes is exponential with regard to the number of tiles in the pattern. A pattern of 12 tiles takes a few seconds to solve.
As I said, performance is more important than perfection. However, the final solution must be properly connected (no tile pointing to a tile which doesn't point to the original tile). To give an idea of scope, I'd like to handle a pattern of 100 tiles under about 2 seconds.