Hi people, I've been digging in the posts in here and on google and couldn't find anything helping me to solve a problem I have with saving children entities on an existing entity.
Let's say I have a shopping cart that will hold items, that means I have a ShoppingCart entity which has ShoppingCartItem entity collection.
In my controller, I check if the ShoppingCart exists and retrieve the entity if there's one. If not, it's a new entity (Entitystate is marked as Added). Then, I continue by adding items to the already existing collection (if any items are in there already) My problem right now is ONLY when I save changes to an already created ShoppingCart: It's adding a NEW Shopping cart in the database with both the existing items AND the new items...
So, if I have one Shoppingcart and two children and I now add 3 new items, I end up with 2 ShoppingCart entries in the ShoppingCart table and 7 ShoppingCartItem entries...
I traced the code and, the ShoppingCart entity is getting marked as Added as soon as a new ShoppingCartItem is added using AddObject()...
How can I prevent that?
Thanks a lot,