



There's already a great long post on identifying bad code (see Code Smells).

I'd like to ask for the reverse. Do you know any good procedures or checks to identify good code? Quick pointers such as "the class definition fits on one page together with it's documentation", or "the code can be effortlessly re-used" would be great, longer thought-through answers about code review or metrics are also welcome.

I'd like to get some input on this to build up to a positive-reinforcement code review and analysis at my work, because I feel that would be more productive than pure criticism (though both will likely be combined in the end).

+20  A: 
  • It's easy to tell what functions/classes/variables do based solely on their names.
  • Implementations are expressive -- no space is wasted in getting the semantics of an algorithm through to the reader, and there is very, very little repetition.
  • There is good unit-test coverage.
  • The program builds itself.
  • Comments explain WHY something is done, not WHAT is done.
  • The style of the code is consistent (no matter who is doing the writing)
  • The code performs well.
  • It's not Bad Code. ;-)
Dave Markle
StyleCop can help with the styling aspect.
StyleCop can help in C# - what about other languages?

1st most important point is whole code should be consistent i.e. it should follow same guidelines and naming convention everywhere.

Ramesh Soni
Consistent code is important, yes, but for me that's more of a "not bad code" thing than a good or even great code thing. Good or great code would go above and beyond what is purely necessary.
+3  A: 

The cyclomatic complexity is a good indicator, where low = good and high = bad.

If low, this doesn't mean the code is good.

If high most certainly the code is badly written.

Cyclomatic Complexity is indeed a useful metric, but for C++ I've noticed that many of the free or cheap tools tend to get wrong results for more complex code, which is a shame.
Sounds like a good enough indication that your code is too complex/bad, if the code analysis tool can't understand it! :-)
Bill Karwin
Cyclomatic complexity is a measure of the number of paths through the code. It will automatically be high for big dumb case statements (or the equivalent), and sometimes those are the right thing to have. Therefore, a high cyclomatic complexity is not always bad.
David Thornley
It's only a indicator not more and not less, but I have reviewed a project with a cyclomatic complexity over 10.000 (where 30 was considered OK) this was clearly a case of BAD CODE. PS: Checkstyle in java does a pretty good job analyzing the code.
Hehe Bill - the problem was that the tool would erroneously report a *low* Cyclomatic Complexity. But yes, it was terrible code.
+1  A: 

I like a code, when i am able to read it like a book. With headings (commentin the next method/block/paragraph), paragraphs (spare lines between logical parts), sentences (one statement per line), correct spacing between words (i.e. variables) and interpunctation (i.e.braces), nace naming conventions, no repetitions.

Peter Miehle
+10  A: 

Good code makes you feel warm and fuzzy while you read it.

It makes you feel smarter (not more confused).

+3  A: 

It's a good question. First of all in your company should be a document describing all formal things about formatting code and so one. It's first place to find rules to compare the code with.

I you don't have this kind of document, most likely, everyone codes in different way and direct checking style of code is worthless. Because there is no place to refer to, there is no agreement on how code should look like.

Second thing is how code is organized. It's harder to analyze code from this perspective. I f you agreed to design code in much the same way in company so everyone can read everyone else code, than you have from where to start. If not - you should create such document.

If you complete documentation based on discussion with programmers (avoid religion wars) than you can check code in order to find places where more care can be added to adding code to your solutions.

It's long way, because you should start from discussion, documentation and on the end on code reviews, but it's worth doing. Most programmers like to know they code in the proper way.

That last sentence is really heartening, because that's what I'm hoping for: that most of the developers actually *want* to do it right, and I can help point everyone (including myself) in the right direction.
Formatting guidelines don't produce good code. Just use an autoformatting editor (like DevStudio). Exact placement of spaces and braces is not crucial. Indentation is important as that helps to understand the flow. Code should look good, although that is not a valid metric for good code.
We don't have such a document. We have tools that check the formatting on build and the order of elements in classes is automatically reordered at build. Formatting guidelines are useless when you format automatically
+1  A: 

Being from the .Net side of things myself, there's a really great book that helped me in my quest for good code. Framework Design Guidelines. It really emphasizes consistency in coding standards. It's not talking so much about "loosely coupled" solutions, but more about "what type of things should be methods vs. what things should be properties" - as well as a myriad of other things. It truly helps you to understand the mindset behind the development of the .Net framework and thus be able to build applications against it better.

Aaron Palmer
I'm not a .NET programmer, but that book looks interesting even to me. Nice suggestion!
Yes! I read this a year or so ago... Loved it... a must read!
Charles Bretana
+25  A: 
Nils Pipenbrinck
sorry, couldn't resist to post it..
Nils Pipenbrinck
It sums it up perfectly.
Brian Rasmussen
+1 - I love Uncle Bob.
Steve Brouillard
;-) I've seen it before but still good.
+10  A: 

Good code is hard to define but I think as rules of thumb a good code is easy for maintenance : 1) Anybody can jump on it and modified it, 2) Name convention, good cohesion,

But if you want a deeper and less personal answer I suggest to refer to Mc Call (1977) and his software attribute about software quality:

  • Maintainability, the ability to find and fix a defect.
  • Flexibility, the ability to make changes required as dictated by the business.
  • Testability, the ability to Validate the software requirements.
  • Portability, the ability to transfer the software from one environment to another.
  • Reusability, the ease of using existing software components in a different context.
  • Interoperability, the extent, or ease, to which software components work together.
  • Correctness, the functionality matches the specification.
  • Reliability, the extent to which the system fails.
  • Efficiency, system resource (including cpu, disk, memory, network) usage.
  • Integrity, protection from unauthorized access.
  • Usability, ease of use.

These are good point to figure out if the whole code (the software) is "good" or "bad".

You can find more information at SQC Software Quality

+5  A: 

As noted by tomaszs if your company has a document defining what "good" code is then you are pretty much set as it is spelled out what good code is going to be for you. However, in a lot of situations, a set of coding guidelines might not cover everything that would go into creating good code. Some of the key area's that I look at to determine if code is good are as follows:

  • Is it well formatted? - One of the first things that stand out when looking at good code is that it is constantly formatted. Code that is inconstantly formatted tends to cause future developers to run into issues when trying to track the code logic and can result in time being wasted. StackOverflow has some questions worth reading on this topic tagged with "formatting" as well as "coding-style."
  • Is it well commented? - Poorly commented code can cause future developers, including yourself, to lose time when trying to fix bugs or implement new features. StackOverflow has quite a bit of information out there if you search the "commenting" tag.
  • Is the code self documenting? - Comments should not be seen as a catch all for all of the code documentation, the code itself should be self documenting. Variable, function, and class names should make sense and give an idea of what they do just by looking at them.
  • Is the code fragile? - Poor code can still be well formatted, commented, and self documenting, but good code should never be fragile and areas of code that can be sensitive to faults should be appropriately coded to be as fault-tolerant as possible and issues should be well documented. One area that you can look at to get a quick idea as to the quality of the code is how sensitive it is to user input, if the application crashes because the user enters data in a given way, then something might be wrong with the code as a whole.
  • The algorithm logic is generally clear, or if not possible, well documented - This one can be a bit subjective, but good code will generally have algorithms that are either clear in what they are doing, or well commented in the case of complex algorithms. Generally, something that I look for when reviewing code, is how fast I can understand an unusual algorithm or be pointed to more documentation on it. For example, if you need to implement code to compute a square root you might not want to comment each operation as it would clutter up the code, but the code should still have something saying which technique is being used, deviations from norms, and why the code was implemented as opposed to using a library call.
+14  A: 

1 - It works

2 - It keeps working

3 - Any dev can understand why

I'm hoping by "you" you don't mean just the person who wrote the code, right? :)
I've seen a study somewhere that claimed that after only 3 weeks, the original author of a block of source code has no advantage reading it over other programmers.
Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

Not sure if I'd agree with some of the posts here (would add a comment but I'm not famous enough ;) )

Once read a PM book that said developers like tricky code as once they've slaved over a hot debugger and understood it, then they feel smart...

So, trickyness of all kinds is to be deplored. Good code is simple code, naming convention issues etc are way down the field.

Chris Brooks
Nice answer. Here internally, we call that "cute code". Anything out of Modern C++ Design or using boost::mpl generally falls under that nomer ;-).

If your non-technical manager can understand it.

Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

One thing that comes to mind that hasn't really been mentioned yet (but possibly more a style issue than a "good code" issue) :

  • If you can figure out almost everything from just the name of the class / function. That means you really nailed down the concept and the naming.
+3  A: 

Along with the broader qualities that have already been posted, for a more down to earth check list of good code, I look for:

  • makes use of the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) Principle, SDP (Stable Dependency Principle) and other programming principles
  • code is grouped into logical groupings with comments to explain the sticky parts
  • variables are declared close to where they are used
  • varaibles are tightly scoped so they exist only for the needed amount of time and no more
  • makes good use of the compiler to easily check for errors (using const/readonly when appropriate) and for type-safety
  • uses generics and templates instead of nontype-safe structures
  • classes are loosely coupled
  • good use of interfaces
  • easily unit testable
  • good separation of UI from logic
Mike Hall
+5  A: 

Good code is very often small code...

Thomas Hansen
Good one! A very simple metric, but "the simplest (and thus smallest) thing that could possibly work" is often the best code.
+1  A: 

For me, good code teaches me things I do not know and bad code teaches me things I do know because I (so do countless others) have written bad code sometime or the other in their life :)

Vijay Dev
+1  A: 

Good code is no code at all.

*BRILLIANT*...! ;)
Thomas Hansen
It's definitely bug free.

Many good answers here, but remember there is good code that fails any of the 'tests'.

Take, oh, say, sendmail. Changed the world, runs on rather a lot of servers, but probably does not match some folks idealized namming conventions.


My favorite sign is a complete and total lack of magic numbers. Preferably initialized in a block with meaningful names, but I'll settle for inline comments if absolutely necessary.

J.T. Hurley
+1  A: 

Good (elegant, beautiful) code is normalized:

At least to third, if not to forth or fifth normal form ...

Paul W Homer