



Having this new problem with flash builder where I run a debug flashplayer, close out the flash and it doesn't always kill the process. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't, leaving me, after a while, having 10 or more flashplayer tabs on windows still open. I try to close them using the task manager with no luck.

This hasn't always happened, anyone experience this as well or know how to fix it?


Browser projects or Adobe AIR Projects? I've never seen this in Web projects. But, in Adobe AIR projects, when this occurs I usually can't launch a new debug session until I force quit.

I browser based, does your browser close when you terminate the debug session? If not, try to shut down the browser manually before launching a new debug session.

I'm sorry I don't have specific answers. I you expand on your Operating System, browser choice, and version of Flash Player it may help others.
Just propjects in general that I am testing from Flashbuilder. Most of them browser projects, but I'm compiling directly to the flashplayer, not the browser.
What do you mean that you're compiling directly to the Flash Player? Flex always compiles down to SWFs; however usually those SWFs are run in a browser, or within Adobe AIR. Are you using a standalone version of the Flash Player? And launching that standalone player from Flash Builder?