I've got a problem with the module DBD::CSV v0.30. Since a update to the newes version, all headers in the fetchrow_hashref generated hash are lower case instead of mixed case.
Finaly the data will be comited to a mysql database and the column header should be mixed case.
This is a snipet of my script using the DBD::CSV
my $csv_dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=\.;csv_eol=\n");
$csv_dbh->{f_dir} = $ElementConfig->{_DIR} if defined($ElementConfig->{_DIR});
$csv_dbh->{csv_sep_char} = "$Seperator" if (defined($Seperator));
$csv_dbh->{csv_eol} = $csv_eol if (defined($csv_eol));
$csv_dbh->{csv_allow_whitespace} = $csv_allow_whitespace if (defined($csv_allow_whitespace));
my $CSV_Select;
unless (defined($ref_FullSQLSt)) {
// Standard "SELECT * FROM filname.txt"
$CSV_Select = "SELECT ".${$ref_CSVSelect}." FROM $File ".${$ref_CSVWhere};
} else {
$CSV_Select = ${$ref_FullSQLSt};
my $sth = $csv_dbh->prepare($CSV_Select);
my $res = $sth->execute();
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
my $PKeys = $index;
if (defined($ElementConfig->{_FILES}->{$File}->{_dkey})) {
my $NewPKeys = "";
for my $key (split (/\s*\,\s*/,$ElementConfig->{_FILES}->{$File}->{_dkey})) {
if (defined($row->{$key})) {
$NewPKeys .= $row->{$key};
$PKeys = $NewPKeys if ($NewPKeys);
unless (defined($DataHash->{$DBConfig->{TBLPREFIX} . $ElementConfig->{_FILES}->{$File}->{_dtbl}}->{$PKeys})) {
$DataHash->{$DBConfig->{TBLPREFIX} . $ElementConfig->{_FILES}->{$File}->{_dtbl}}->{$PKeys} = $row;
$index ++;
This is a snipet of the csv file:
RTAL3D 08.12.2009 15:50 -96.25072834 -92.32065149 179594
Actual the fetchrow_hashref looks like this:
$var-> {
'cell' => 'RTAL3D',
'date' => '08.12.2009',
'avgrxlevu1' => -96.25072834
I tried several things with the $sth->fetchrow_hashref() method. I used the parameter "NAME", "NAME_lc" and "NAME_uc". The first and the second convert the headers to lowercase and the third to uppercase.
Thanks for your help.