Recursion is the answer for this type of problem. Though, if we can make certain assumptions about the structure of the array (i.e., 'id' always be a leaf node with no children) there's further optimizations possible:
$a = array(
'apple'=> array(
'new'=> array(array('id' => 1), array('id' => 2), array('id' => 5)),
'old'=> array(array('id' => 3), array('id' => 4, 'keyname' => 'keyvalue'))
// When true the complete path has been found.
$complete = false;
function get_path($a, $key, $value, &$path = null) {
global $complete;
// Initialize path array for first call
if (is_null($path)) $path = array();
foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
// Build current path being tested
array_push($path, $k);
// Check for key / value match
if ($k == $key && $v == $value) {
// Complete path found!
$complete= true;
// Remove last path
} else if (is_array($v)) {
// **RECURSION** Step down into the next array
get_path($v, $key, $value, $path);
// When the complete path is found no need to continue loop iteration
if ($complete) break;
// Teardown current test path
return $path;
var_dump( get_path($a, 'id', 3) );
$complete = false;
var_dump( get_path($a, 'id', 2) );
$complete = false;
var_dump( get_path($a, 'id', 5) );
$complete = false;
var_dump( get_path($a, 'keyname', 'keyvalue') );