I'm building a Flex application which shows data of a user (SDK 3.2). Requires log in. First thing i do is call a php script via HTTPService which checks if a cookie is set, and if it is, returns it. Works fine in Flex, debugging, but in a browser, only works in IE. PHP script is working perfectly. I've tried changing the URl everytime to ensure its not caching the results.
var getClientData:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
getClientData.url = "http://www.test.com/test.php?get=" + random;
getClientData.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, getClientDataResponse);
getClientData.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, httpServiceError);
If the cookie is not set, i prompt the user to log in, which then sets the cookie. The works in IE but not in other browsers. Any clear reason why not?