



Hi, im using papervision3d to load a 3d esphere with the world texture on a flash proyect. I want to know how can i put a marker on the model given a coordinate?, like two angles, and with marker i refer to a simple movieclip or similar. Thanks


One thing you can do is to place another sphere at the same origin with a radius slightly larger with a BitmapMaterial. Then you can draw directly on the BitmapMaterial according to a location mapped from the sphere. Where you're mapping spherical coordinates to a specific (u,v) on your bitmap.

Your "two angles" would be your spherical coordinates and the (u,v) coordinates would be the top-left relative coordinates on the bitmap.

I'm not sure why this answer was voted down since I have a current project that was launched a couple of months ago with this same solution. If the solution is unclear please state so.
+2  A: 

You will need to convert to from spherical coordinates(uses 2 angles and a radius) into cartesian coordinates(x,y,z).

Papervision Geocoding

Luckily there is a nice article out there that explains this using Papervision.

Someone else also recorded a video tutorial.


George Profenza
This is a similar answer I provided earlier except it uses geometry to map a location rather than storing graphical markers on another layer. I'm assuming the author is looking for a solution where he can put multiple markers and not have Papervision3D parse a high number of DisplayObject3d objects so I suggest storing rasterized markers.