Perl, 235 211 225 211 207 196 179 177 175 168 160 156 146 chars
<>=~/-\d+/;for$y(@a=-$'..$'){print+(map$_|$y?!($t=8*($y>0)+atan2(-$y,$_)/atan2 1,1)&-$&/45==8|$t>=$`/45&$t<=-$&/45?qw(- / | \\)[$t%4]:$":o,@a),$/}
Perl using say feature, 161 149 139 chars
$ echo -n '<>=~/-\d+/;for$y(@a=-$'"'"'..$'"'"'){say map$_|$y?!($t=8*($y>0)+atan2(-$y,$_)/atan2 1,1)&-$&/45==8|$t>=$`/45&$t<=-$&/45?qw(- / | \\)[$t%4]:$":o,@a}' | wc -c
$ perl -E '<>=~/-\d+/;for$y(@a=-$'"'"'..$'"'"'){say map$_|$y?!($t=8*($y>0)+atan2(-$y,$_)/atan2 1,1)&-$&/45==8|$t>=$`/45&$t<=-$&/45?qw(- / | \\)[$t%4]:$":o,@a}'
Perl without trailing newline, 153 143 chars
<>=~/-\d+/;for$y(@a=-$'..$'){print$/,map$_|$y?!($t=8*($y>0)+atan2(-$y,$_)/atan2 1,1)&-$&/45==8|$t>=$`/45&$t<=-$&/45?qw(- / | \\)[$t%4]:$":o,@a}
Original version commented:
$_=<>;m/(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+)/;$e=$1/45;$f=$2/45; # parse angles and radius, angles are 0-8
for$y(-$3..$3){ # loop for each row and col
$t=atan2(-$y,$x)/atan2 1,1; # angle of this point
$t+=8if($t<0); # normalize negative angles
@w=split//,"-/|\\"x2; # array of ASCII symbols for enclosing lines
# if it's origin -> "o", if it's enclosing line, get symbol from array
# if it's between enclosing angles "x", otherwise space
EDIT 1: Inlined sub, relational and equality operators return 0 or 1.
EDIT 2: Added version with comments.
EDIT 3: Fixed enclosing line at 360º. Char count increased significantly.
EDIT 4: Added a shorter version, bending the rules.
EDIT 5: Smarter fix for the 360º enclosing line. Also, use a number as fill. Both things were obvious. Meh, I should sleep more :/
EDIT 6: Removed unneeded m
from match operator. Removed some semicolons.
EDIT 7: Smarter regexp. Under 200 chars!
EDIT 8: Lots of small improvements:
- Inner for loop -> map (1 char)
- symbol array from
string -> qw (3 chars) - inlined symbol array (6 chars, together with the previous improvement 9 chars!)
- Logical or -> bitwise or (1 char)
- Regexp improvement (1 char)
- Use arithmethic for testing negative angles, inspired by Jacob's answer (5 chars)
EDIT 9: A little reordering in the conditional operators saves 2 chars.
EDIT 10: Use barewords for characters.
EDIT 11: Moved print inside of loop, inspired by Lowjacker's answer.
EDIT 12: Added version using say
EDIT 13: Reuse angles characters for fill character, as Gwell's answer does. Output isn't as nice as Gwell's though, that would require 5 additional chars :) Also, .. operator doen't need parentheses.
EDIT 14: Apply regex directly to <>. Assign range operator to a variable, as per Adrian's suggestion to bta's answer. Add version without the final newline. Updated say
EDIT 15: More inlining. map{block}@a -> map expr,@a.