



Hi all,

I've been inspired by yehuda katz ( ) to start using Vi (or vim) as opposed to my current tool of choice, Notepad++.

I had a look on the site but couldn't find any recent windows vim app, am i looking in the wrong place or something? Or is there truly not a modern vim windows app?

Can people recommend something along the lines of MacVIM for Windows?



Care to try gvim?

From the download page:

For Vim 6 and later. This includes a GUI version of Vim - with many features and OLE support - and all the runtime files. It works well on MS-Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. Use this if you have enough disk space and memory. It's the simplest way to start using Vim on the PC. The installer allows you to skip the parts you don't want.

Zack Mulgrew
+3  A: 

It's listed under "MS-DOS and Windows", but gvim72.exe is what you're looking for. That's the latest and greatest, official, graphical Vim.

Mark Rushakoff
Second this! gvim is the my default editor on ALL the platforms I work with!
James Anderson
How about 'Cream' - anyone use that?
+4  A: 

Here is the link to the download:

It includes both the command line and GUI version for Win32.

Here are some settings for your vimrc file that make it a little more civilized for programming tasks:

set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set number
set nowrap
set nobackup
set nohlsearch
"set gfn=Bitstream\ Vera\ Sans\ Mono\ 12
"colorscheme asc
syntax on

I commented out my font and custom color scheme. Salt to taste....

I'd suggest you take out `expandtab` and `softtabstop` and replace them with `set confirm`.
too much php
+1  A: 

Cream is VIM modded to be more user friendly. It might be a good starting point. If not, they have a good Windows download that is raw VIM too.

I always use cream packaging as it is (almost) always compiled with the latest patches. However, I do never use cream itself, nor the msvim aberration, as I like gvim as it is: a unix tool.
Luc Hermitte