




Well i am using following tools flex builder 3.2 sdk 4.1 Flash Player 10

and i get this error. Verify Error: Error #1053: Illegal override of isRelatedObjectInaccessible in RemappedMouseEvent.

when I clean the project and run it and get the same error.. i tried all the things expect updating the Flex builder plugin as it was mentioned as solution at this link.


i don't find any link that can update flex-builder 3.2 and i am using updated sdk still i need updated plugin for Flex builder 3.2??


Errors like this are commonly caused by a version mismatch. Are you using a components in external SWCs or other projects? Make sure that those SWCs/proejcts are compiled against the same SDK version as your main project.

I do not believe that the Flex Builder Plugin was updated for every update to the Flex SDK. But, Flex Builder should work with any version of the Flex SDK.

I used Flash Buidler 4 and the problem solved...
Muhammad Irfan
I find it hard to believe that changing your IDE would address a compile time or runtime errors. There must have been a change in SDK versioning that also happened when you changed IDE, right?