




I have not done any work with Carbon/Cocoa, only Qt. I know Qt has excellent integration with various OS's, especially Mac in the last version (adding sheets, drawers, support for files attached to windows, and more), so I suspect it can do this, too.

Here's the picture: alt text

If you can't see it, there are four buttons on a bar at the bottom of a pane on the left of the main window (plus, gear w/ down arrow, refresh, and a window-collapse button). At the right is a handle for resizing the pane. The whole bar has a gradient-type background on it, with the top half light grey, and the bottom half a darker grey.

Is it possible to do this in Qt? Is there a built-in style or widget, or would I have to override painting?

+1  A: 

You will probably have to customize the buttons to get this look. But it's not difficult. While you could custom paint the buttons, Qt stylesheets are probably all you need. They're modeled after CSS and they're very powerful.

The effect you're looking for could probably be achieved with only a couple of lines of Qt stylesheet code.

Did I mention this would achieve the same look on all the platforms (if you wished)? :)

Here are QPushButton stylesheet examples.
