



What's the URL to launch in order to bring the iTunes App Store to the front, and open it to show the Reviews page of an app? I want to send my users to the "Write a Review" page.

Some other SO answers provided URLs like the one below, but it doesn't seem to work:


Any suggestions for a URL that'll work on iPhone and iPad?

+4  A: 

This article Dissecting iTunes links explains everything.

Heading straight to a review form

It’s also possible to send someone straight to the review form for an app.

Simply replace the ID with your app’s ID to create a URL for your app.

On a desktop or laptop, this will take you directly to the review form in iTunes for the app or item. On an iPhone or iPod touch, this will open MobileSafari, then open iTunes or the App Store app on the reviews page, leaving the user only one tap away from writing a review.

To find out an item’s ID, right (Mac & PC) or control-click (Mac) on a link to the item in iTunes and select Copy Link. The result will look something like this.

The ID is the number in the URL after “id’.

It might be worth noting that this URL was created using iTunes 8. I don't think there’s a way to create review links in iTunes 9, so maybe this URL is being phased out. Use with caution.

Update: @mareMtl has provided an alternative review link for apps. Please note that it only works on iPhone OS devices.


Neither of these links work on iPad for me, are they iPhone only?
David Dollar
What happens when your app is not already on the store? how will you retrieve the appID or solve this issue?
Rigo Vides
You AppID is assigned after you create the app but before you submit your binary. So just create the app in iTunes Connect and then use that ID.

Whats with the PURPLE SOFTWARE line in there. Do we just leave that in? thanks

From my comment in response to the answer: "Apparently "type=Purple+Software" is important, which I was missing"