with Snow Leopard 10.6.4 I am obtaining an unresolved symbol:
$ sudo kextutil KRPC.kext
(kernel) kxld[com.machackershandbook.kext.KRPC]: The following symbols are unresolved for this kext:
(kernel) kxld[com.machackershandbook.kext.KRPC]: _mig_buckets
I cannot find this symbol using kextfind, however this symbol is exported in the kernel:
$ kextfind -dsym _mig_buckets
$ nm -arch i386 /mach_kernel |grep _mig_buckets
00844b00 S _mig_buckets
$ nm -arch x86_64 /mach_kernel |grep _mig_buckets
ffffff8000672e40 S _mig_buckets
How can I find the kext library to link with this symbol using the OSBundleLibraries