



So I know this has been beaten to death but I still can't figure out a solution.

I have my UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend set to <true/> in the Info.plist and still both in the simulator as well as on an iPhone 4 device, the app goes into standby instead of terminating?

Any ideas of what else could one do to get it to terminate? Perhaps are there methods that I need to remove from the app delegate? Any ideas?


Did you do a clean build, delete the app from both the simulator and the device, and re-install? That's the only key that affects it. Also, make sure you are building with base SDK set to iOS 4.0.

UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend (Boolean - iOS) specifies that the application should be terminated rather than moved to the background when it is quit. Applications linked against iPhone SDK 4.0 or later can include this key and set its value to YES to prevent being automatically opted-in to background execution and application suspension. When the value of this key is YES, the application is terminated and purged from memory instead of moved to the background. If this key is not present, or is set to NO, the application moves to the background as usual.

I deleted the build directory and also reset the settings on the simulator. Then I installed the newly compiled binary onto an iPhone 4.Alas no luck in both sim, device.Do these steps constitute making a clean build?
Normally just doing a "Clean All Targets" from the menu in XCode is enough since it does essentially what you just did.
Tried that, still going into background/suspend mode... I don't get it.My SDK used is 4.0 and its good with backwards all the way to 3.1Is there anything in the build flags?
Here's a further update: My app goes into the applicationDidEnterBackground:and then it goes into the applicationWillTerminate:By passing both it gets suspended... Do I need to add something special to applicationWillTerminate ? abort()?
No, the application should terminate on its own. Like I said, that key determines if it exits or not. If you set it as a boolean value of TRUE and you are indeed reading off of that info.plist file, it should work. Update the app name in the info.plist file and make sure you are getting updates from it in your build.
I know it sounds like I'm out of whack but I have tried changing the plist to a different display name and it shows the modifications on the simulator and yet still the program doesn't terminate.I have even changed in the build settings for the Info.plist to be output as XML instead of binary and went to the .app directory in iterm to check if the plist shows <true> and it does. Here is a copy of the "cat Info.plist" file inside the .app directory <key>UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend</key> <true/>any other ideas? I'm really not getting it. Why would it not terminate.
I understand your frustration, but if that key isn't working, then there is a bug in your particular case. Contact Apple about it. The only other way `applicationWillTerminate` is called (other than with that key) is if you are building with another SDK other than 4.0, in which case multi-tasking is not available.