



I'm developing my application (on Linux) and sadly it sometimes hangs. I can use Ctrl+C to send sigint, but my program is ignoring sigint because it's too far gone. So I have to do the process-killing-dance:

$ ps aux | grep process_name
$ kill -9 pid

Is there a way to configure bash to send the kill signal to the current process when I press - say - Ctrl+Shift+C?

+1  A: 

Given that there's no bound key for SIGKILL, what you can do is to create an alias to save some typing, if SIGQUIT doesn't cut it for you. First, the

$ ps aux | grep process_name
$ kill -9 pid

dance can be summarized (if there's only one instance of the process that you want to kill) as

$ pkill -9 process_name

if your use case always goes to suspend then kill, you can create an alias to kill the last process ran like

$alias pks="pkill -9 !!:0"

Add that alias in your ~/.bash_profile.

Vinko Vrsalovic
Instead of this you could use the kill %which kills the last job
That doesn't work everywhere, flolo
Vinko Vrsalovic
On linux, killall process_name will kill all processes with that name. Caution: killall on Solaris and other unixes kills all the processes.
+2  A: 

I don't think there is any key you can use to send a SIGKILL.

Will SIGQUIT do instead? If you are not catching that, the default is to core dump the process. By default this is ^\. You can see this by running:

$ stty -a

in a terminal. It should say:

quit = ^\
How does this work? If I'm writing a new terminal application should I know about this or is it handled at a lower level?
Vinko Vrsalovic
It is handled at the tty level in the kernel. When it sees the quit key, it sends a SIGQUIT to the foreground process on that terminal. You can catch SIGQUIT if you want to stop it, but core dumps on demand are quite useful.
+2  A: 

You can send a SIGQUIT signal to the current foreground process by pressing ^\ (by default, you can run stty -a to see the current value for quit.)

You can also kill the last backgrounded process from the shell by running

$ kill %%
+1  A: 

My question to you would be: why is your application not handling SIGINT? Have you defined a handler for SIGINT to set a flag so that any loops can check the flag and break if it's set, or are you spinning in a system call?
