


+4  Q: 

project management


I was java developer and I was not into web development.Suddenly I have become project manager and pushed into web development.

What I have to know to become technically well qualified enough as a project manager in a web project.I don't have the responsibility of coding.

If you provide book,resources,links that will be great and your personal advise.

Thank you


There may be other answers from management perspective, but here is mine from implementation perspective that you should push to development team:

  • Your website should work on all web browsers. All means 100% reach (if it targets world audience and not a small private group)!
  • Follow web-standards and make the web beautiful
  • Thread Safe - develop core/backend to be thread safe as each request is inturn a thread accessing the core modules
  • it's REQUEST-RESPONSE. If there is a request, then only a response. No vice-versa.
  • use jQuery - as JavaScript framework (to reduce cross-browser development efforts)
Ankit Jain

From a SW engineering perspective:

  • Learn to estimate projects (Using function points for example)
  • Learn some software development methodologies.
  • Learn to plan. Make gantt charts, set deliverables, set deadlines.
  • The hardest, is having all come together, when the project is being executed.

A very good book on this matter, written from a practical perspective, is Making Things Happen. I hope others can provide book references in general SW engineering.

Matias Valdenegro