I have an SVN server setup at home which is currently being used by 3 people including me. I have a few branches and tags from/of the trunk. All users have checked out the complete repository, that includes the trunk, branch, tags. Now when a new tag is made of a stable release, all users update their tags. This is where the issue that I have starts. A lot of times, many files are left unchanged in the trunk, and then tagged as a stable release when the list of bugs for that release is fixed. When the update starts, SVN grabs all the files, including the ones that were not changed, from the server. It also takes a long time to update the tag.
I want to ask if there is a way to get subversion to get all the files from the local trunk, put it in the new tag, and then update the tag and replace only the files that have changed. So if the trunk directory is:
- Art
- Engine
--- Graphics
--- Physics //MODIFIED
--- Dialogue
and I tag it, can svn copy all the files from trunk into the new tag, and then update the tag accordingly?
One solution I know is to export the trunk and then update the tag. Is there a better way by any chance?