Let me explain this question a bit :)
I'm writing a bunch of stored procedures for a new product. They will only ever be called by the c# application, written by the developers who are following the same tech spec I've been given. I cant go into the real tech spec, so I'll give an close enough example:
In the tech spec, we're having to store file data in a couple of proprietary zip files, with a database storing the names and locations of each file within a zip (eg, one database for each zip file)
Now, lets say that this tech spec states that, to perform "Operation A", the following steps must be done:
1: Calculate the space requirements of the file to be added
2: Get a list of zip files and their database connection strings (call stored proc "GetZips")
2: Find a suitable location within the zip file to store the file (call stored proc "GetSuitableFileLocation" against each database connection, until a suitable one is found)
3: In step 2, you will be provided with a start/end point within the zip to add your file. Call the "AllocateLocationToFile" stored proc, passing in these values, then add your file to the zip.
OK - so the question is, should "AllocateLocationToFile" re-check the specified start/end points are still "free", and if not, raise an exception?
There was a bit of a discussion about this in the office, and whilst I believe it should check and raise, others believe that it should not, as there is no need due to the developer calling "GetSuitableFileLocation" immediately beforehand.
Can I ask for some valued oppinions?