I know that this is quite subjective, but is it something that I have struggled with quite a bit. I have even been hesitant to try to learn a new language because of the reason I will outline below. If this gets closed I guess I will just grin and bear it but this is something I would like to have addressed.
When I go to learn a new language it seems that most learning resources are directed at the new programmer. I then end up reading the "verbose" tutorial or something and getting bored. I tend to feel like I am wasting a lot of time with how a variable works, how data types work and other basic things. These are all important things but I can handle technical terminology and don't need things broken down for me like a beginner would.
I also feel like if I just dive into a project, I will learn bad habits and not get all of the benefit out of learning a new language. I will still do thing using the paradigms that I already know and hacking them into working on the new language.
So, my question is: What is the strategy that you have found most helpful to get the most out of a new language? What are some tips that you have learned?