None of the currently opened issues with msysgit mentions such a problem.
As mention in this old bug, you can check if the help html files are there or not, but I bet the right files are in the right place with recent msysgit distro.
The issue 187 is similar to your problem, and reports an issue with:
- the Chrome browser
- and/or html association files:
For me on Windows XP the problem was missing .html
file type extensions.
I downloaded Doug Knox's "HTM/HTML Associations" registry fix.
The issue 258 does report a problem under x64 system, when your installation path includes spaces:
It seems the start
command even when launched natively from cmd.exe
will mess up when
the target path has spaces in it.
If we ensure that the title argument is provided then it succeeds
start "c:/A B/c.html" fails to open in browser
start "browser" "c:/A B/c.html" succeeds
The bash equivalent is therefore
start '"browse"' "$@"
So the correct fix is going to be to leave start alone and change how we call it in
web-browser. The attached patch should do the job I think.