I have a supposedly single-threaded FLTK application with a popup menu, created with Fluid. I have a class that sub-classes Fl_Gl_Window and implements a handle() method. The handle() method calls a function that creates a popup window on right-click. I have a long operation that I do for one of the menu items. My application has created a second thread for some other purpose. I use locks to protect some critical sections between my main thread and that second thread. In particular, doLongOperation() uses the locks.
My problem is that I can popup the menu twice and run doLongOperation() twice, and it then deadlocks with itself, hanging the application. Why doesn't the first doLongOperation() stall the GUI and prevent me from starting doLongOperation() a second time?
I can avoid the problem with a flag that I use to disable the offending menu item, but I would like to understand why it is possible in the first place.
Here's the code, abbreviated of course. Hopefully I've included all the relevant bits.
class MyClass {
void doLongOperation();
class MyApplication : public MyClass {
void run();
void popup_menu();
void MyClass::doLongOperation()
// stuff
// @vladr I did leave out a relevant bit.
// Inside this critical section, I was calling Fl::check().
// That let the GUI handle a new popup and dispatch a new
// doLongOperation() which is what lead to deadlock.
MyApplication::MyApplication() : MyClass()
// ...
{ m_mainWindowPtr = new Fl_Double_Window(820, 935, "Title");
m_mainWindowPtr->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_m_mainWindowPtr, (void*)(this));
{ m_wireFrameViewPtr = new DerivedFrom_Fl_Gl_Window(10, 40, 800, 560);
// ...
} // Fl_Double_Window* m_mainWindowPtr
m_mainWindowPtr->show(1, &(argv[0]));
void MyApplication::run() {
bool keepRunning = true;
while(keepRunning) {
MyClass::Status result = this->runOneIteration();
switch(result) {
case DONE: keepRunning = false; break;
case NONE: Fl::wait(0.001); break;
case MORE: Fl::check(); break;
default: keepRunning = false;
void MyApplication::popup_menu() {
Fl_Menu_Item *rclick_menu;
int longOperationFlag = 0;
// To avoid the deadlock I can set the flag when I'm "busy".
//if (this->isBusy()) longOperationFlag = FL_MENU_INACTIVE;
Fl_Menu_Item single_rclick_menu[] = {
{ "Do long operation", 0, 0, 0, longOperationFlag },
// etc. ...
{ 0 }
// Define multiple_rclick_menu...
if (this->m_selectedLandmarks.size() == 1) rclick_menu = single_rclick_menu;
else rclick_menu = multiple_rclick_menu;
const Fl_Menu_Item *m = rclick_menu->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), 0, 0, 0);
if (!m) return;
if (strcmp(m->label(), "Do long operation") == 0) {
// Etc.