




I am trying to use the QGraphicsview, but I have lot of trouble with it.

My goal is very simple (for the moment): I want to create a basic pianokeyboard component, where you can set the number of keys, and where the keys automatically stretch when you resize the keyboard.

I am a newbie in QT, so maybe I am wrong in the design that I used.

I have a PianoKeyboard class, inheriting from QGraphicsview, and having a QGraphicsScene in it.

class PianoKeyboard : public QGraphicsView

    PianoKeyboard(QWidget *parent = 0, u32 iNbKeys = 80);

    void    SetNumberKeys(u32 iNbKeys);
    virtual void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );

    u32                 m_iNbKeys;
    QGraphicsScene*     m_pScene;

and I have a PianoKey class inheriting from QGraphicsItem

class PianoKey : public QGraphicsItem
    PianoKey(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);

    // Overridden functions from QGraphicsItem
    virtual QRectF boundingRect() const;
    void paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget);
    void SetSize(f32 fWidth, f32 fHeight);

    f32 m_fWidth;
    f32 m_fHeight;

so first qeustion, does this design seems fine to you?

And now about positioning, I don't understand how it works, and how I sould do.

These are my class implementations

PianoKey::PianoKey(QGraphicsItem *parent)
    : QGraphicsItem(parent)

void PianoKey::SetSize(f32 fWidth, f32 fHeight)
    m_fWidth = fWidth;
    m_fHeight = fHeight;

QRectF PianoKey::boundingRect() const
    qreal penWidth = 1;
    return QRectF(-m_fWidth/2.f, -m_fHeight/2.f, m_fWidth, m_fHeight);

void PianoKey::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
    painter->drawRect(-m_fWidth/2.f, -m_fHeight/2.f, m_fWidth, m_fHeight);

PianoKeyboard::PianoKeyboard(QWidget *parent, u32 iNbKeys) :
    m_pScene = new QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 1.0, 1.0, this);

void PianoKeyboard::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * pEvent)
    if (pEvent->oldSize().width() > 0 && pEvent->oldSize().height() > 0)
        scale(pEvent->size().width()/(f32)pEvent->oldSize().width(), pEvent->size().height()/(f32)pEvent->oldSize().height());
        scale(pEvent->size().width(), pEvent->size().height());

void PianoKeyboard::SetNumberKeys(u32 iNbKeys)
    m_iNbKeys = iNbKeys;
    f32 fPianoKeyWidth = 1.f/m_iNbKeys;
    for (u32 i = 0 ; i < m_iNbKeys ; i++)
        PianoKey* pKey = new PianoKey();
        pKey->setPos(i*fPianoKeyWidth, 0.f);
        pKey->SetSize(fPianoKeyWidth, 1.f);


With this code I don't have what I want, I only see vertical lines at correct positions, but no blue rectangle as it should be.

And when I resize my window, it's very slow, and most of the time it freezes... I think he doesn't like the scale in resize event.

So do you have an idea?