




Newbie here..

I just want to ask how can I accomplish my homework in school. I basically have this need.

I want to send an ajax request every 10 seconds but I dont want to initiate another request if my previous request has not returned yet.

I am thinking that the connection to DB might be that bad sometimes so I would like to wait for my previous request to be finished (success/failed/error) before I fire up another.

I check on javascript and and found the setinterval method. But how can I line up my ajax request so that the server doesnt get fired up by many ajax request?

I am studying jquery right now and is using JSON.

+4  A: 

One method would be to set a variable to false when you send out a request. When you get it back set it back to true. When you go to send out a new ajax request make sure the value is true. If not add it to a queue of some sort so that it will be called when the request is finished. However if every request takes longer then ten seconds your queue will get pretty backed up. So you may not want a queue. So instead when you go to send out the ajax request if the variable is false you just wait another ten seconds.

make sure you stop doing requests if you get to many failed ones.
+1  A: 

I'll even help more:

    var isWatingForResponse = false;

        url: 'wherever'
        ,dataType: 'json'
        ,beforeSend: function() {
            if(isWatingForResponse) {
                return false;
            isWatingForResponse = true;
        ,complete: function() {
            isWatingForResponse = false;
        ,success: function (data) {
            //process data

Or follow @qw3n answer. This should work with jQuery 1.4.2


Hi All,

Thanks for all the response. I think I got an idea based on the response given.

On a lighter note, I actually am not asking for a complete solution and would be very happy to see a pseudocode. I jut dont know how to accomplish this on jquery since I am still learning it.

Thanks to all.

Rudy Fernandez
@Rudy - If you return false in your `beforeSend` it will not execute the request.
@Rudy - also if you want this to work for multiple pipes, there are global Ajax handler's that you can use.

As I see the OP question:

How to set up fault-tolerance on the client-side because of Db-server issues, using jQuery Ajax?

This IMHO, is a really good question. If I may, I would like to map out the pipe:



Your solution to this problem of handling issues with the db-server in the client is workable, but really does not address the actual problem. It could really cripple you for future extension of your client.

You should really be handling this issue as close to the problem as possible. In the web-server.
