




I would like to move only selected directories to new svn repository, with history, but... I dont want to dump svn repository which is huge.

I have only external access to repository.

I have created script which gets all directories, finds first revision of each one, and list of all revisions for selected directories.

Then consequently goes through that list. So I have revisions 32,...41, only those in which there were changes in my dirs.

Now I would like to commit changes every revision change to new repository. Unfortunately svn_load_dirs.pl does not allow to pass comment.

Is there a way to commit my comment during svn_load_dirs.pl?

Just to be sure svn_load_dirs will make all changes in single revision?


Why not first copy the entire repository using svnsync, and then use svnadmin and svndumpfilter to get to the relevant information?

The repository takes 20GB, and my directories takes only small part of it, so it is way faster to do this way. Moreover I don't have administration right on the destination server.

I have found the solution. It appears that the newest version of svn_load_dirs.pl has possibility of setting comment message.

Download trunk version of script from apache site

You can set the message using '-message' option.

Before using script change: my $svn = '@SVN_BINDIR@/svn'; to point to your svn binary, in my case: /usr/bin/svn
