I need some help with sending info from a component. I'm not sure how to proceed.
I'm using Alex Uhlmann's flip card class (Distortion Effects). I've got a card that has 3 faces. When the user clicks the button, it fires a change event, and in the main application, the change event calls a function, flipTo, that flips the card. The component is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
[Event("change", type="mx.events.Event")]
public var backCaption:String;
<mx:Text id="myAnswer" htmlText="{backCaption}" width="100%" />
<mx:ControlBar height="40" width="100%" >
x="20" y="400"
click="dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE ) );" />
The main application looks like:
<mx:Canvas id="homeStack" >
<mx:ViewStack id="flipViewStack2" x="200" y="150" >
change="flipTo(frontFace2, backFace2, DistortionConstants.LEFT, DistortionConstants.RIGHT);" />
title="Newport: Answer"
change="flipTo(backFace2, anotherFace2, DistortionConstants.LEFT, DistortionConstants.LEFT);" />
title="Other Stuff"
change="flipTo(anotherFace2, frontFace2, DistortionConstants.RIGHT, DistortionConstants.LEFT);"/>
<mx:Canvas id="OtherStack" >
(more code)
The flipTo function in the main application takes 4 parameters: the starting side, the ending side, and then two parameters that determine the direction of the flip.
Everything works great. If I hit the button, I can flip through all of the sides. But, I'd like to add a comboBox, so that the user can flip directly to the side that they want instead of having to cycle through all of the sides. (This is important as I plan to add more sides).
In the main application, please note that the sides have the number 2 in their ids. For example, frontFace2. I've got multiple sets of cards each with a different number, frontFace3, frontFace4, etc. The number determines which data is pulled from the database. (I've simplified the code for brevity).
How can I add a comboBox in the component that causes the card to flip to the selected side?
Do I need a custom event? (Unfortunately, I don't know anything about custom events). Is there a way to have the comboBox set a public variable and then somehow access that variable in the main application and call flipTo with the comboBox's chosen side? Other possibilities?
Any suggestions?
Thank you.