So I graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Software Engineering and I wanted to go back to school and get my M.S. I felt that my B.S. had too many holes on many topics such as patterns and testing. I am working on my M.S. now while I am working full time so I am getting practical experience. I am a little worried however of doubling up on SE instead of taking something like CS.
I look at a lot of CS degrees and they seem to be loaded with a lot of theory that I would rarely ever need. I am mostly interested in dealing more with patterns, testing, and process, especially since most of the work I do is on business applications rather than close to the metal. Also, I am really looking to become an architect and I figure that an M.S. in either CS or SE would be helpful.
I guess I would like to hear from some people on their opinions of doubling up on SE vs branching off into CS, and maybe what kind of benefits this M.S. will really buy me. I am getting great experience at work and I find I can apply a lot of things I am learning in my academical career.