I have the following script to ultimately plot a 4 by 2 subplot:
files = getAllFiles('preliminaries');
n = size(files);
cases = cell(1, n);
m = cell(1, n);
for i = 1:1:n
S = load(files{i});
cases{i} = retransmission_distribution(S);
c = size(cases{i});
m{1,i} = cell(1, c(2));
str_size = size(files{i});
title_str = files{i}(5:str_size(2) - 4);
title_str = strrep(title_str, '_', ' ');
for j = 1:1:c(2)
[x, y] = hist(cases{i}{1,j});
m{1,i}{1,j} = [x; int32(y)];
% subplot(4, 2, j);
% xlabel('Number of Retransmissions');
% ylabel('Number of Occurrences');
% bar(y, x, 'histc');
However, with the current order of command sequence I have, even with them uncommented, the title and axis labels were present for a time before being erased. I want the figure to have its own title, with each subplot having its own axis labels. What's the easiest way to fix it?