Hi guys... I just built a flex applcation with AS3 only.. the generated swf will expand as much as browser's window..I wish to reduce the dimension of swf file...any ideas?? Thanks..
You may need to specify your swf dimensions eg:
[SWF(width="640", height="480")]
If you're viewing it directly in your browser, you should embed your swf inside an html document and specify the dimensions of your swf. If this is for a public facing website, I'd recommend using SwfObject.js. Or if you aren't comfortable with Javascript you can use the object tag:
<object width="640" height="480">
<param name="movie" value="your_file.swf">
<embed id="embed" src="your_file.swf" width="640" height="480"></embed>
2010-08-11 05:19:52
your object tag is not working in my case...swf still expand as much as it can...and [SWF(width="640", height="480")] won't scale the swf file...all I need is 1.3 scaleX and scaleY on swf +1 though
2010-08-11 05:23:50
Fixed the embed tag to something that should work.
2010-08-11 05:30:22
Thanks..SwfObject.js saved me life.....
2010-08-11 16:39:39
I would suggest using SWFObject for embedding the generated SWF file and then changing the dimensions through the parameters.
2010-08-11 14:52:45