Hello, I am trying to update my changes to some python work onto an SVN server. When I attempt to commit the file to the svn, I get an error that my folder is out of date:
"Transmitting file data .............svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: Directory '/scripts/setup/configure' is out of date"
When I attempt to run "svn update configure/", it fails due to a Tree conflict:
"Summary of conflicts: Tree conflicts: 1"
I then attempt to resolve using "svn resolve --accept working -R .", which returns the output:
"Resolved conflicted state of 'configure'"
(Note, running the resolve command a second time in a row returns no output, as it is already 'resolved').
I then attempt to update, and get the same Tree conflict error as before. I am now back at step one. Attempting to resolve again will give the same output claiming that the issue has been resolved, but attempted to update 'un-resolves' the issue.
Any help/insight on this? I've been working at it for quite some time and have gotten nowhere.
Thank you