




Please be gentle on the quasiNoob(expert w/Flex & Actionscript, != expert w/Spring) !

I am on Mac Snow Leopard and using STS 2.3.2 Release w/the Flash Builder 4 plugin and tomcat 6.

Everything works except for the security exclusion using the Spring @Secured annotation in the java class: When I am not logged in, I can enter messages through the sayHello Flex UI and see them post on the server & get the reply back. I should be getting an error instead.

I have worked through all the Refcardz 'Flex 4 & Spring 3 Integration': It was great, especially in explicitly calling out dependencies.

It even returns a 'Bad credentials' error message if I try to log in with the wrong userid/password.

I have copied all the code from the Refcard, so I don't think it would be useful to paste loads of code here.

Any advice is most appreciated.




8/12/10: 1. removed/re-added the flexspring app 2. clean/republish to Tomcat 3. re-booted

Still not rejecting messages from unauthenticated user


Did you add the filters to the web.xml file?

James Ward
Hi James,Thank you once again for the excellent tutorial. Yes, I have the filters in the web.xml file. I was pretty careful to make sure my code matches yours.The only differences I'm aware of is that a few of the libraries are later versions.Is there any additional debugging/tracing I can do to help pin this down?
Hmmm... I'm not sure what else could be different. You can download the final war file and compare differences between the two: debug you can enable debugging for Spring
James Ward