Hi All,
I am using a CTE to recurse data I have stored in a recursive table. The trouble is I am trying to figure out how I can use "FOR XML" to build the desired xml output. I have a Table of Contents table I am recursing and I want to be able to use that data to generate the XML.
Here is an example of what the data is simliar to:
1|I|Chapter|My Test Chapter|-1
2|A|Section|My Test Section|1
3|1|SubSection|My SubSection|2
I want to be able to spit out the data like so:
XML Attributes: ID = Appended values from the TOC_ID field value = value from TOC_Section field
<Filter id="I" value="Chapter">
<Description>My Test Chapter</Description>
<Filter id="I_A" value="Section">
<Description>My Test Section</Description>
<Filter id="I_A_1" value="SubSection">
<Description>My Test SubSection</Description>
Not sure how I can take the CTE data and produce a similar format to the above. When the data is in separate tables it isn't too difficult to build this type of output.
As always appreciate the input.