I´m using the Zend_Form_Element_File
to upload some files that works just fine, but only if I fill all fields.
$this->addElement( 'file', 'moh_file', array(
'label' => 'Datei',
'destination' => '/tmp',
'ValueDisabled' => true,
'MultiFile' => 3,
'validators' => array(
array('Size', false, 100000000 ),
array('Extension', false, array( 'mp3', 'wav' ) ),
array('Count', false, array( 'min' => 0, 'max' => 5 ) ),
'class' => 'long',
'decorators' => $file_upload_decorators,
But if I only want to upload a single file that fails and the adapter only says that: File 'moh_file_1_' was not uploaded
Can anybody tell me what to do ?