Our app has a list of locked products that share the same consumable product id (i.e. one consumable product id for many products). Our server provides me with a list of products and the product id associated with them:
item name="itemA" iphoneProductId="consumable.test.1"
item name="itemB" iphoneProductId="consumable.test.1"
item name="itemC" iphoneProductId="consumable.test.1"
We chose consumable because our items are created dynamically and need to be available to the user instantly (please don't reply suggesting that we use non-consumable, there are a lot of other reasons that are too hard to explain without me giving away private details about the company we are working with, as to why we are using consumable). This allows us to have multiple products share the same price.
When the user purchases itemA (for example), the item is unlocked. However, sometimes, when the user then tries to be itemB, Apple return with 'You have already purchased this but it hasn't been downloaded. Tap OK to download it now’. This should surely never happen for a consumable item. I know our system is quite complex but as far as the apple store kit is concerned, are simply just buying the same product again.
Could this just be a sandbox issue? We can't test in live as the app isn't released yet. In fact, this whole problem is holding off the release as our client is as concerned as we are about this problem.
I've followed the same code from the iphone documentation and the few in app purchase tutorials out there. I see that a lot of people on the forums seem to have witnessed the 'already purchased' dialog above for consumable products, but none of them ever get answered.
Please help! Thanks