



I'm reading a chapter in this fascinating book about using genetic programming to interactively evolve images. Most of the function set is comprised of simple arithmetic and trig functions (which really operation on and return images). These functions make up the internal nodes of the parse trees that encode our images. The leaves of the tree, or the terminal values, are random numbers and x,y coordinates.

There's a section about adding iterative functions of the complex plane to the function set:

Say the genetics inserts a particular Mandelbrot set as a node somewhere in a bushy tree. The function expects two arguments: mandel(cReal, cImag), treating them as real and imaginary coordinates in the complex plane. If the genome just happened to supply the pixel coordinates (x,y), and mandel() were the root node, you would get the familiar Mset. But chances are that cReal and cImag are themselves the results of whole branches of functions, with many instances of coordinates x,y scattered out among the leaves. Enter the iteration loop, orbit around for a while, and finally escape with some measure of distance to the Mset attractor, such as the number of iterations.

My question is how would you make a Mandelbrot set renderer as a function that takes the real and imaginary coordinates of a point on the complex plane as arguments and returns a rendering of the Mandelbrot set?


I'm not sure if this actually answers your question, but my understanding of the text you quoted simply says that the mandel function is just another function (like multiplication, min, max, addition, etc) that can appear in your genetic program.

The mandel function, like the multiplication function, takes two arguments (in_1 and in_2) and returns a single value. Whereas the multiplication function just returns in_1 * in_2, the mandel function might do something like this:

int mandel(int in_1, int in_2) {
  x = 0
  y = 0
  iteration = 0
  max_iteration = 1000

  while( x*x + y*y <= (2*2) && iteration < max_iteration ) {
    xtemp = x*x - y*y + in_1
    y = 2*x*y + in_2
    x = xtemp


  if( iteration == max_iteration ) return 0
  else return iteration

If your whole genetic program tree consists of nothing but the mandel function with one input as x and the other input as y, then repeatedly evaluating your program for a bunch of different (x,y) values and saving the result will give you a nice picture of the Mandelbrot set.

Of course, the neat thing about genetic programming is that the inputs can be fancier than just x and y. For example, what would the result look like if one input was x and the other input was x + 2*y? Or if one input was x and the other was mandel(x,y)?

Nate Kohl