




Hoping people can assist me with the following questions re: WordPress 3 on MAMP OS X:

1) Under my installation of MAMP, under the htdocs directory, I have a WordPress site installation, say called Site A.

I now want to create a new WordPress site, for Site B, do I need to download a new install of WordPress and then set this up under htdocs, now called Site B and new Site B database - is this the correct procedure?

2) I understand that WordPress needs a styles.css file under CSS, the site I want to move into WordPress has a styles.css plus 3 other CSS files that it needs.

What is the best practice with incorporating the other 3 stylesheet files, so that they are used as part of WordPress, i.e do I need to call them from within styles.css?



WordPress 3.0 supports multiple sites out of the box (it used to be a separate codebase, WordPress MultiUser). So yes, you can use the same install, but if you prefer to keep it simple you can just install two WordPress installations side-by-side.

If you want to create your own theme, you do need at least a style.css file with some information about the theme in a comment block. WordPress will read this info and display it in the admin area. But a theme can also contain other files (should, in fact), like a header.php and a footer.php. In the header.php, you probably put the code to load your stylesheet. This can be style.css, but it doesn't have to be. You can include any stylesheet(s) you want, including the three files you have now (just write multiple <link rel="stylesheet"> tags). But including them via @include in style.css is fine too: the choice is up to you.

Jan Fabry