How can I send and receive emails from Joomla?
Need to be more specific than that.
- if you want to send emails to users registered on your website, you need to use somekind of newsletter component -
- If you want to sent email programmatically, easiest way is to use
JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $recipient, $subject, $body, $mode, $cc, $bcc, $attachment, $replyto, $replytoname);
if you need it to be more advanced get mailer and configure on your own
$mailer =& JFactory::getMailer(); $mailer->IsHTML(false); $mailer->setSubject("Hello World"); $mailer->setBody("Hello from Joomla"); $mailer->addRecipient('[email protected]'); $mailer->AddCustomHeader('X-Header: example'); $mailer->Send();
If you want your users to email each other, you might want to use PMS (Private Messages System) I would recomment UddeIM, great messaging system.
2010-08-30 13:31:13