



What are good resources to go to for implementing a question analyzer?

I am trying to figure out how to auto-tag questions to make it easier for non-technical users to ask questions. I've found that using Bayes Theorem I can achieve this, but I have no idea how to implement it.

Any open source libraries or research papers on this?

+3  A: 
+2  A: 

Your algorithm would have to maintain a table (or something similar)

Word            Category
algo            algorithm
design          algorithm
libraries       library
open            open-source
open-source     open-source
paper           research-paper
research        research-paper
source          source-code

When you analyze the statement according to this table (after ignoring filler words)

1. "Any open source libraries or research papers on this?"

2. open source libraries research papers

open            open-source
source          source-code
open-source     open-source
libraries       library
research        research-paper
paper           research-paper
research-paper  research-paper

4. by a simple majority, (you can also use a more complex algorithm here,
   like assigning weights to the Categories)
selected category = research paper

As you keep on learning using your selected algorithm, your table keeps on getting updated, and you keep getting better results.

That just might work, but it would take a very long time to create a table of word-tags pairs. How would you detect "research-paper" in this?