




I've been a java developer for quite a while, I want to advance towards a position as software architect. Since I'm quite young (26) and my business (consulting) is rather hierarchically organised, I considered starting out with the SCEA - since I'm already SCJP I'm confident about my learning techniques and the ability to deal with the Sun Exams.

But with this BS lawsuit Oracle vs. Google I now have two difficulties: 1) I dont want to give any more money to Oracle 2) this lawsuits effectivly weakens the position of Java technologies in my company right now. I'm looking for alternatives to the SCEA - what Architect Cert would you recommend? Since I'm rather language agnostic, I dont have any preferences.

Please refrain from starting arguments on the oracle lawsuits or on certifications in general, there are plenty of discussions like that on SO already ;)

thanks in advance

+1  A: 

Not sure if that's a programming question, looks more like a career question. Maybe asking in or LinkedIn groups would be better. But anyway... I think you're too young to be a "sotware architect", whatever that job title means. Better go for the SCWCD (I'm guessing here you are building web apps), then SCBCD, work on bigger projects, interact with a team of programmers, fight the customer, etc. Only with 10+ yrs. of experience solving problems you'll get the "wisdom" to architect properly a project. And you'll keep making mistakes!

Don't jump off the Java bandwagon just because of Oracle's greed. There are tons of Java sites out there.

Diego Freniche