I am using mmap in windows for fast file I/O. Following is my code for your refrence. Windows specific code for mmaping.
m_fHandle = CreateFile(m_sFileName,GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
if (!m_fHandle)
//Log Message to signal failure
error_exit("DPStrippedPartition::InitMMap" ,PARTITION_ERR,pmA2U("Error opening file for writing" ));
return IFAILURE;
int buff[1];
DWORD dwBytesWritten;
WriteFile (m_fHandle, buff, 1,
&dwBytesWritten, NULL);
m_mapHandle = CreateFileMapping(m_fHandle, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0,10240, NULL);
if (!m_mapHandle)
error_exit("DPStrippedPartition::InitMMap" ,PARTITION_ERR,
pmA2U("Error creating file mapping"));
return IFAILURE;
m_map = (IINT32*)MapViewOfFile(m_mapHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,10240);
if (!m_map)
error_exit("DPStrippedPartition::InitMMap" ,PARTITION_ERR,
pmA2U("Error creating map view of the file"));
return IFAILURE;
m_bIsMapInitzd = ITRUE;
return ISUCCESS;
I gave the size as 10240 but still at index 3072 of m_map, the crash happens saying access violation.
Can anybody help me track the issue?
Sincerely, Akhtar