I have subversion repositories that are working fine with password authentication required for all users. My config is posted below. How do I go about modifying this configuration so that I can allow a single user to have read-only access to one of my repositories?
The example provided needs to work with SVNParentPath not SVNPath. The former allows you to specify a directory containing multiple subversion repositories.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot "d:/Apache2/htdocs/"
ServerName code.mycompany.org
ErrorLog "logs/src.mycompany.org-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/src.mycompany.org-access.log" common
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
<Location />
DAV svn
SVNParentPath D:\SVN
AuthType Basic
AuthName "My Repository"
AuthUserFile conf/myteam.pwd
Require valid-user