




I am the new to SVN using FTP server. Anyone can give idea for using svn in FTP in Windows XP?

+1  A: 

I would check out Tortoise SVN if you want a free way to do it with an interface. If you have access to the FTP through a shell you could also use PuTTY for some awesome command line editing. Whichever one you decide to go with, let me know if you need more help! :D

Aaron Hathaway
+1  A: 
  1. Subversion over FTP isn't supported and doesn't make a lot of sense. Subversion needs some intelligence on the remote server, whether it's svnserve or mod_dav_svn. Requiring the client to access files on the remote server would be really slow and inefficient (and subversion is already slow enough...)

  2. FTP is 1970s technology that really needs to go away ;)


Hi Aaron/Hobbs,

Thanks for your response. Ok , now I would like to go away from FTP. Now I want to store my daily work source in my server path. I am having space only for my web site only ex(www.xxxxxxxxxxx.com). What I have to do for use svn in my daily work. Is there need to buy more seperate space for svn? can u plz explain the steps for this?
