Hi. I am using the new Flex4 Spark stuff but I'm stuck at an awful problem. Let me explain a bit of the situation first. I have a container (mx:Canvas) in which I do addElement() of one type instances (DocumentWindow). The document window class is supposed to be the holder for a view according to the type of the document. The DocumentWindow class extends TitleWindow. I also have a task bar which is a mx:Canvas with buttonBar inside so that the windows should be switchable. So in 2 words I got windows holder and a taskbar. The strange thing comes now: When I put a DocumentWindow with type "doc" (which loads swf made by swftools) the window appears in the windows holder and as task on the taskbar. But if first I open something else - DocumentWindow with type audio or video which causes the DocumentWindow to instantiate different view inside, the window doesn't appear on the screen neither a task button is being shown in the taskBar. I put a trace() on that and it shows that numElements is increasing, the taskBar ButtonBar.dataProvider.length is increased, so the things are there - just that they stay invisible until I open DocumentWindow with type 'doc'?!?!?! I even tried to make DocumentWindow not to load the view inside because I thought that the only difference is the view... but then even the 'doc' typed DocumentWindow didn't show. A clue may be that creationComplete is never called until a 'doc' view is added. Any ideas what might be wrong?
Here is a trace I got from the windows holder (There is numElements from the windows holder Canvas and ButtonBar.dataProvider.length from the taskBar):
1 windows, 1 tasks win[0] = (0, 0) - [550, 400], visible=true, alpha=1 1 windows, 1 tasks win[0] = (0, 0) - [550, 400], visible=true, alpha=1 1 windows, 1 tasks win[0] = (0, 0) - [550, 400], visible=true, alpha=1 1 windows, 1 tasks win[0] = (0, 0) - [550, 400], visible=true, alpha=1 1 windows, 1 tasks win[0] = (0, 0) - [550, 400], visible=true, alpha=1
PS: I trace()d also the windows holder size - it's ok, it's big enough :))
Here is the main container code:
public function openDocument(di:DocumentInfo, id:String = null):TaskInfo {
var w:DocumentWindow = new DocumentWindow();
var t:TaskInfo = new TaskInfo(di, w, id);
w.title = di.label;
var docInfo:DocumentInfo = mServer.getDocumentInfo(di.type, di.label);
w.init(docInfo, t);
return t;
<mx:HBox id="bottomButtons" horizontalGap="0"
left="0" bottom="0">
<mx:Button id="userListButton" click="toggleUserList()"
width="40" height="40"/>
<mx:Canvas id="handButtons"
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off"
width="40" height="40">
<mx:Button id="raiseHandButton" click="toggleRaiseHand()"
visible="false" width="40" height="40"/>
<mx:Button id="sitDownButton" click="doSitDown()"
visible="false" width="40" height="40"/>
<mx:HDividedBox id="vdivider" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="40">
<components:WindowsView id="windows"/>
<components:RightPanel id="rightPanel"/>
<components:TaskBar id="taskBar"
left="{bottomButtons.width}" bottom="0" right="0" height="40"/>
Here is the WindowsView class code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
width="100%" height="100%">
import some.package.EClassView;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
private function showStuff():void {
trace(numChildren + ' windows, ' + EClassView.instance.taskBar.taskButtons.dataProvider.length + ' tasks');
var w:DocumentWindow;
for(var i:int = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
w = getElementAt(i) as DocumentWindow;
if(w == null) continue;
trace("\twin[" + i + "] = (" + w.x + ", " + w.y + ") - [" + w.width + ", " + w.height + "], visible=" + w.visible + ", alpha=" + w.alpha);
public function addWindow(w:DocumentWindow):void {
w.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onWindowCreation);
private function onWindowCreation(e:FlexEvent):void {
var w:DocumentWindow = e.currentTarget as DocumentWindow;
w.removeEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, onWindowCreation);
<s:Rect width="100%" height="100%">
<s:SolidColor color="0xeeeeee" alpha="1"/>
The TaskBar code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
import some.package.EClassView;
import some.package.data.TaskInfo;
import some.package.events.TaskEvent;
import some.package.skins.GradientButtonSkin;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.core.IVisualElement;
import mx.core.IVisualElementContainer;
import mx.events.ItemClickEvent;
import spark.components.Button;
import spark.components.DataGroup;
import spark.components.Group;
import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
import spark.skins.spark.ButtonBarSkin;
private var mTasks:ArrayCollection;
public function get tasks():ArrayCollection {
return mTasks;
private function init():void {
mTasks = new ArrayCollection([]);
private function main():void {
taskButtons.dataProvider = mTasks;
public function addTask(task:TaskInfo):void {
task.index = mTasks.length;
task.win.addEventListener("minimize", onWinMinimize);
task.win.addEventListener("maximize", onWinMaximize);
task.win.addEventListener("restore", onWinRestore);
taskButtons.selectedIndex = task.index;
public function removeTaskAt(i:int):void {
var task:TaskInfo = mTasks[i] as TaskInfo;
var evt:TaskEvent = new TaskEvent(TaskEvent.CLOSING);
if(evt.stopped) return;
mTasks.removeItemAt(i) as TaskInfo;
task.win.removeEventListener("minimize", onWinMinimize);
task.win.removeEventListener("maximize", onWinMaximize);
task.win.removeEventListener("restore", onWinRestore);
public function getTaskById(tid:String):TaskInfo {
for each(var t:TaskInfo in mTasks) {
if(t.id == tid) return t;
return null;
public function set volume(v:Number):void {
for each(var t:TaskInfo in mTasks) {
private function rebuildTaskIndexes():void {
for(var n:int = 0; n < mTasks.length; ++n)
(mTasks[n] as TaskInfo).index = n;
private function onWinMinimize(e:Event):void {
var win:DocumentWindow = e.currentTarget as DocumentWindow;
win.visible = false;
var desktop:IVisualElementContainer = win.parent as IVisualElementContainer;
var nw:DocumentWindow;
taskButtons.selectedIndex = mTasks.length - 1;
private function onWinMaximize(e:Event):void {
var win:DocumentWindow = e.currentTarget as DocumentWindow;
win.resizable = win.movable = false;
win.maximized = true;
var ws:WindowsView = EClassView.instance.windows;
win.width = ws.width;
win.height = ws.height;
private function onWinRestore(e:Event):void {
var win:DocumentWindow = e.currentTarget as DocumentWindow;
private function onTaskChanged(e:MouseEvent):void {
var newt:TaskInfo = mTasks[taskButtons.selectedIndex] as TaskInfo;
<s:ButtonBar id="taskButtons" requireSelection="true" styleName="taskbar"
labelField="title" click="onTaskChanged(event)"
x="0" width="{width - taskButtons.x}" height="100%"/>
And actually the creationComplete of the DocumentWindow is never being dispatched! I assume the DocumentView type 'doc' creates some sort of event which is missing in other views... But the views are too complex to be posted here.. it will be a HUGE post :)