Hi there
I'm trying to understand why out ColdFusion 9 (JRun) server is throwing the following error:
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 32756 bytes for ChunkPool::allocate. Out of swap space?
The JVM arguments are as follows:
-server -Dsun.io.useCanonCaches=false -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -
I had jconsole running when the dump happened and I am trying to reconcile some numbers with the -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
setting above. When JRun died it had the following memory usage:
PSYoungGen total 136960K, used 60012K [0x5f180000, 0x67e30000, 0x68d00000)
eden space 130624K, 45% used [0x5f180000,0x62c1b178,0x67110000)
from space 6336K, 0% used [0x67800000,0x67800000,0x67e30000)
to space 6720K, 0% used [0x67110000,0x67110000,0x677a0000)
PSOldGen total 405696K, used 241824K [0x11500000, 0x2a130000, 0x5f180000)
object space 405696K, 59% used [0x11500000,0x20128360,0x2a130000)
PSPermGen total 77440K, used 77070K [0x05500000, 0x0a0a0000, 0x11500000)
object space 77440K, 99% used [0x05500000,0x0a043af0,0x0a0a0000)
My first question is that the dump shows the PSPermGen
being the problem - it says the total is 77440K, but it should be 196608K (based on my 192m JVM argument), right? What am I missing here? Is this something to do with the other non-heap pool - the Code Cache?
I'm running on a 32bit machine, Windows Server 2008 Standard. I was thinking of increasing the PSPermGen
JVM argument, but I want to understand why it doesn't seem to be using its current allocation.
Thanks in advance!